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What Are The Best Dental Implants To Get?

There are numerous applications for dental implants. They all offer an excellent solution to artificial teeth. Whether the patient has lost a single tooth due to trauma or decay or they are in the throes of periodontal disease, implants can offer a secure foundation for their dental appliances which can restore their teeth and jaw functionality.

Typically, crowns or dentures are placed on top of implants which provide a strong foundation to support them. Once they are in place, dental implants can be treated just like natural teeth. They can be flossed and brushed.

Crowns are made of three components. The first is the implant which is the section screwed into the jawbone. The second is secured to the implant and called an abutment. The final piece is secured to the abutment and called a crown. This is the only section above the gumline and the only section visible.

Types Of Implants?

Believe it or not, there are different types of implants. Each type of implant requires more than a single appointment to complete but are utilized for different reasons. Each type results in a new set of artificial teeth. The first type of implant is known as an endosteal implant. This is the most common type of implant. It is embedded into the jawbone. It can be used for a single tooth or an entire set of teeth depending upon the circumstances. This type of implant can only be placed when there is enough supportive bone structure.

For those patients without sufficient bone mass, the other option is known as a subperiosteal implant. This does require a specific amount of bone mass because it involves a metal framework which is placed on top of the gums. This framework eventually fuses with the mandible, providing a solid base upon which crowns, or dentures can be placed.

Reach out to us for more information about dental implants. We can answer all your questions.