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What A Lump On Your Gums Could Mean?

Lumps on your gums are relatively common and are not necessarily a medical emergency. There are a variety of causes that are painless as well as extremely painful. Although most are harmless, there are a few that require immediate medical attention and should be taken care of as soon as possible. For those that are not an emergency, it could be annoying or embarrassing and there are also options to have them surgically removed as well. What follows are seven things that may cause lumps.

Seven Causes

First and foremost, it could a cyst which are pockets of air, liquid or other soft materials. Cysts grow over time and rarely cause pain until they become infected at which point it is important to get them taken care of immediately. A lump could also be what is called an abscess. An abscess is a small pocket of pus caused by bacteria. They can be extremely painful and generally feel like a small, warm bump. Another culprit could be a canker sore which is harmless but can cause a great deal of pain. Symptoms for canker sores include pain while eating and drinking, raised bumps, white or yellow spots with a red border, and severe tenderness.

The most common cause of lumps on your gums would be fibroma. A fibroma is a noncancerous lump that forms primarily from the use of dentures or other oral devices. They are painless and usually look like a skin tag. Another cause could be a pyogenic granuloma which is a blood-filled swollen lump that bleeds with ease. Some women develop these during pregnancy which leads doctors to believe hormonal changes are the root cause although it is unknown. It could also be a mandibular torus which is a bony growth on the upper or lower jaw. Finally, the cause could be oral cancer. The symptoms of which include sore throat, a sore that won’t heal, a bleeding sore, a white or red patch on your gums, tongue pain, jaw pain, loose teeth, pain while chewing or swallowing, and trouble chewing or swallowing.

These conditions can be treated with surgeries to remove the offending area and if cancer is suspected, a sample will be sent to a lab to confirm it. All the above-listed conditions can be diagnosed in our office. If you are unsure of what is causing the lump on your gums. Call us today to schedule your consultation.