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The Use Of Nitrous Oxide During Oral Surgery

It is understandable that the thought of getting oral surgery, no matter how simple, can make you feel anxious. According to dental surveys, a large number of Americans hesitate to get dental treatment because they are afraid of pain.
At Nevada Oral & Facial Surgery, we may offer you sedation dentistry, including the use of nitrous oxide, to alleviate your anxiety and provide you with a comfortable and painless oral surgery.
What Is Nitrous Oxide Sedation?
Nitrous oxide, more popularly known as laughing gas, is a mild form of sedation. While it is not a compulsory part of pain management during treatment, it may be administered if the patient is a child or special needs person, suffers from severe dental anxiety, or has a low pain threshold.
Nitrous oxide is administered through a nose apparatus and helps slow down your reactions during the treatment. Although you will still be awake, your awareness during the procedure may become foggy. You may feel a faint tingling in your arms or legs. However, you will still be able to follow directions and move around if you wish.
During the treatment, we will make sure to monitor your blood oxygen level and heart rate to ensure you do not have any side effects to the sedative.
After Nitrous Oxide Sedation
Once we take off the nose mask, you will feel the effects of the gas dissipate immediately. In just a few minutes, you will be back to normal and will be able to drive yourself home.
Some people may feel slightly light-headed or nauseous after the procedure; however, this reaction is not very common. You can drink some water or a clear liquid like apple juice to feel normal again. We may also administer oxygen to you for five minutes, which is very effective in clearing your head.
Since nitrous oxide is given with local anesthesia, you should abstain from eating anything until the numbness wears off a few hours later or you may bite your soft tissue.
Most patients report they did not experience any lingering side effects from the drug. Hence, this sedation method is considered very safe and is often recommended for children.
If you have severe dental anxiety, rest assured that we have safe and effective tools to help you manage your fears and pain. Call us today at (702) 360-8918 to schedule a dental appointment with us.